Thursday, October 25, 2007


I put up a sample of the team shot at the top of the page. We just need to add two more girls to make it complete. All the individual photos look great. If any of you can't wait, send me an email and I will send you the image of your daughter.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Way to take care of business this weekend girls. You not only kept us undefeated in league with a win against Bakersfield on Saturday, but you also put us in the driver seat for state cup with a win against Placer on Sunday. We couldn't be prouder of all you girls. Now with one more league game and one more preliminary State Cup game, we have got to start working harder at practices. Coaches will be expecting more out of each player at practice. Because remember, we play like we practice. You girls should be very proud of your season so far, us coaches are.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


With two weekends left of State cup preliminary rounds, here is how it stands. Modesto is in first place with 9 points, and 1 game left to play. Placer is in second place with 3 points, and 3 games left to play. Cyclones are in third place with 3 points, and 2 games left to play. Elk Grove is in fourth place with 0 points, and 2 games left to play. South Valley is in fifth place with 0 points, and 1 game left to play. What this means for us is that we are in a must win situation for this Sunday's game against Placer. No matter what the outcome of the game is, we will still advance to Championship Weekend on Nov. 17-18. Although with a win, we will be one game away from advancing to the upper division of State Cup. After this weekend's games, there will only be two games left to be played in our bracket before Championship Weekend. CVSA vs. Elk Grove and Modesto vs. Placer on Nov.4. So after the dust settles from this weekend, we will have a better idea of where we stand. Come To Play Cyclones, You've Worked Too Hard.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Great game on Sunday girls, sorry I couldn't be there (I was in San Francisco celebrating my 30th birthday with my wife and kids). I heard the game exemplified the true meaning of Home Field Advantage. Everything aside, we are coming along great. We sure needed that win after a hard fought battle in Modesto. Now we must look to this weekend. Two very good teams we meet up with. We must come focused and ready to play. Everyone is working hard at practice. With a good practice on Thursday, I expect great results this weekend. GOOOOOOOOO CYCLONES. Oh yeah, it was my 42nd birthday AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well, we knew this was going to be our toughest game up to this point of the season. With a fast start, Modesto drew an early penalty in the box and went up 1-0. This goal was not one player's fault, just a lesson for all players that we need to be careful in our box. They came back to score another goal with their #9 running a great offensive attack (that player was very talented, they don't get much better than that at this age.) I take responsibility for that second goal, I should have recognized that player earlier and adjusted our defense for her. I did after the second goal, then Mary and Katrina shut her down, and I couldn't have been prouder. After that point, our girls started to play this team straight up. We generated a lot of shots, but it's what we've struggled with before, finishing. At half time the coaches felt that if we could get a quick goal in the second half, we had a shot to win the game. Unfortunately, they scored a third goal. We kept taking shots, just nothing would go in until Journey broke through their defense and scored a beautiful shot. After that, time just ran out on us. All the coaches felt good about the game. Modesto was just the better team on Saturday, but give us a little time and we'd like to play them again. Now we look to tomorrow's game against an undefeated South Valley Chivas. With a game like we had today, we should be at the top of our game tomorrow. Heads up CYCLONES, all great teams lose a game now and then, it just makes them work harder.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Here are a couple of our girls right after a school cross country meet. Many of our players are involved in many activities outside of soccer. We will start posting some of their accomplishments here. Email me with anything your daughter has achieved so we can post it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1ST ROUND OF STATE CUP: South Valley Came To Play

We knew South Valley would adjust well from Saturday's game, but we never thought they would bring a different least that's what is seemed like. It was a battle from the start; our girls seemed to start a little flat. With a key goal from Emi in the second half, our girls started playing like the team we know they are. Then Logan sealed up the win with a beautiful cross from Taylor. I told you Taylor, you are definitely becoming a player that makes things happen. This means we accumulated 3 points for the win in State Cup.
A little update on the other teams in our bracket. Modesto Ajax has played 2 games, and have won both of them, one against South Valley and the other against Elk Grove. Placer United has one win against Elk Grove. Elk Grove has lost their first two games, against Modesto and Placer. South Valley has also lost their first two, against CVSA and Modesto Ajax. I think we can all see that Modesto Ajax is the team to beat, but they haven't played our girls. This game right now is the most important game of the year for us , we need to get a good rest on Friday night, and have a healthy breakfast on Saturday morning. Then we will be at our strongest when we meet up with Modesto. I've seen a lot of soccer in my years as a coach. This CVSA team is a great little team, and I truly believe that if we come focused and ready to play on Saturday, we can walk away with our second win in State Cup. Play Hard.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

3rd League Game vs. South Valley United (Red)

All I have to say is, "A job well done." Every player is improving with every game. The coaches feel that this South Valley team is very talented. They have a new coach in place, and it shows. Trust me, he will adjust and come back strong at us tomorrow. We have got to play stronger tomorrow than we did today. And that's going to take a lot of effort from our girls because they played very good today. A couple of players we want to mention are Taylor, what a game. She's playing her position perfect. She had a lot of opportunities today. Don't worry Taylor, it will all come together, keep playing smart. Also, Ryan is finding the back of the net more and more. We thank her for coming to the game because she did have prior commitments. Again I say, all the girls should be very proud of themselves. They all contributed to the win today against South Valley. Tomorrow's game will be our first State Cup Game, and we are very excited. Let's start strong and finish even stronger. This game will set the tone for the rest of State Cup. GOOOOO CYCLONES!