Wednesday, January 9, 2008
For the next few weeks the posting will be for all those that might be interested in becoming apart of CVSA girls soccer Under 9, Under 10 or Under 11 teams, or just want to know a little more about us. The posting area here, was started back in September 2007 after our first league game. Although our history as a team goes back to March of 2007 or was it April? It all happened so fast that I'm still not quite sure when it all began. Some of the girls today were not even here from the beginning, and still there are some that were here but had made prior commitments to play league with other teams. We sure miss those Madera girls (Daniella and Anisia), they where very talented. We hope that they will tryout this year. Then there was Kennedy who was such a dynamic player, another one that we hope will come to tryouts. All of these girls we missed and wished they would have stuck around. But with them leaving also made room for players that we might have never picked up. So at the end of the day the team was formed to play Under 10 Class 1 Club Soccer. With 14 players on the rooster, maybe a few more than a normal team should carry, but we were no normal team. We had 6 players that were still eligible to play Under 9 and 8 players that were true age at under 10. This is why the team will split this year. With two strong cores at two separate age brackets, we are looking for players to fill vacant positions and help continue with the success of the CVSA Class 1 Youth Program. Tryouts will be at the end of February. Time and location will be posted soon. My next posting will go more into the Coaching staff and their philosophy.