Saturday, January 5, 2008
Well here we are in 2008. Much doesn't seem different, but what lies ahead of this team will change our lives forever. The break is nice, but I know many of the girls are having a hard time staying away from the game. Some are playing indoor with other teams. A few are doing private training, and others are just kicking it around with family and friends. All these things are great. We will be back at it before you know it. Us coaches have been busy also. Looking at new curriculum from the Mustang Soccer Club has been very insightful. The Mustang Coaching Staff has gone above and beyond to help us out. This is the way coaches should get along. We are also looking to put together a Futsal League for March and April which is an eight week session that will help out our technical skills tremendously. The coaches will be traveling to the Bay Area for a look at a very successful Futsal Program. We are also still trying to set in on a date for tryouts. It looks like it will be at the end of February, but we are still waiting on a few things. Hey, that's only seven weeks away ! Good things coming for CVSA.