Monday, September 22, 2008


After a tough loss last week against Lamorinda, I finally decided to focus totally on finishing this past week. It's something I've tried to work into practice more often, but I always seem to run out of time. This time I was determined. There are a few games that stick out in my mind, that if we had been better at finishing, we would have dominated those games. So with a great week of practicing finishing, I knew we would match up well against Bullard. Our girls played unbelievable. They took control from the start, and never looked back. With Keagan finding an early goal, it set the tone for the rest of the game. Isabella, who worked hard at Saturdays finishing practice, found the back of the net twice. Evy finished off the day to make it a 4-0 win. I was pleased on how well all the girls played. I might not give the defense all the accolades they deserve, it's just that they get it done so well. Only 2 shots were taken on our goal the whole game. Way to go Defense. Big Tournament this weekend in Visalia. Get Ready CYCLONES we've got momentum.