Thursday, October 2, 2008


Although it wasn't the outcome that we were hoping for, the girls still had a great tournament. Matching up with South Valley for our first game on Saturday help set the tone for the weekend. I think both teams knew we would probably meet up again on Sunday. With a 1-1 tie it made the possibility even more exciting. Our girls took care of Madera with a 4-0 win. Then Sunday morning they beat Odyssey 3-0. This took us to the Championship game against South Valley. Both teams played hard, at the end of it all South Valley won 1-0.
All the girls played fantastic. I will by the end of the week send out a personal email to each player, expounding on their weekend play. I just want to say good job. We scored 8 goals this weekend and only 2 were scored against us. This is in part due to Dominique. She has come on to this team and fit like a glove. With losing a player like Danielle, one always wonders if she can be replaced. Well Dominique you have not only filled those shoes, but you also bring so much as a field player. I think we were all amazed when you buried that ball in the back of the net from outside the 18. We are very happy you came along to join an amazing group of girls. Yes, they are amazing. Great Tournament Cyclones