Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thank you to all that participated in the yard sale this weekend, we earned over $600. Due to the timing and still more stuff to sell, we will have another yard sale this weekend. We need all who can to get involved with this and all the fundraisers we do. Keep in mind this money goes into the general fund and is used for all areas of the team. This is how we keep the cost so low for our families. Some clubs charge fees that are astronomical. I feel if we keep the fees minimal and do a couple of fundraisers, everyone is happy. I myself have never been a big fan of fundraising, but I've gotta give a big shot out to Adela (Ryan's mom) for coming up with some great fundraising Ideas. Just think after this second yard sale we should have raised almost $1000, and we got to clean out our closets and garages. Way to go Adela. Let's do the car wash tickets next, my car is filthy. Way to go Cyclones, everthing we do is 100%